window installers

From an outsider’s perspective, installing new windows may seem like a simple enough task. However, anyone who has ever attempted to complete this upgrade on their own is well aware that this is not the case. Installing windows is a complex process that should be left only to experienced window installers. Here are a few big reasons why you should rely on the pros for window installations.

They Can Install Heavy and Bulky Windows Without Causing Damage

Experienced window installers can make a huge difference when installing windows because they know how to lift and place them without causing any damage to your home’s siding, yard, or the window itself. Many people aren’t aware of just how heavy and bulky a window can be. This weight and heft make it challenging to complete window installation projects on your own, especially if you don’t have any experience with this kind of work.

They Can Ensure Your New Windows Are Correctly Installed

Professional window installers make a huge difference because they’ll make sure your windows are installed correctly. This is key because correctly installed windows help to maintain a comfortable temperature within your home, prevent water from seeping in, and keep pests at bay. Small gaps between your window framework and the window can easily allow any one of these problems to occur. Professionals have the necessary skills and expertise to ensure your windows are gap-free.

They Can Keep Your New Window Warranty Intact

Your new windows likely come with a manufacturer’s warranty. If you install the windows yourself, you can void that warranty. In order to keep the warranty intact and usable, your windows need to be installed by a licensed and insured window installation company. As such, hiring experienced installers helps prevent you from losing money down the line.

New windows are a great investment that can, according to Angi, last as long as 15 to 30 years. Installing new windows can increase the value of your home, improve its energy efficiency, ensure peace and quiet, and boost the curb appeal of your property. When you need new windows, it’s critical to turn to licensed, insured, and experienced window installers. If you’re looking for dependable professionals to install one or more new windows in your home, contact Jon’s Window & Awning today to request a quote. We look forward to working with you!

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