vinyl windows

Over the years, fiberglass and vinyl windows have quietly taken over the market. Why exactly are they so popular? Well, they’re amazingly efficient and great for the environment. If you’re still on the fence, here are several reasons why fiberglass and vinyl windows are a great option for you.

Sustainability and Durability

Whether you pick vinyl or fiberglass windows, you’re making an investment in longevity. Put simply, they last far longer (usually years) than other types, especially wood. According to The Spruce, fiberglass models last 38% longer than vinyl, giving you an amazing lifespan. The type you prefer will then vary based on which style you like most.

Amazing Insulation

Have you ever been sitting next to your windows and felt a draft that sent a shiver down your spine? Fiberglass and vinyl windows offer superior insulation strength to keep that draft from making its way into your home. They trap heat in the winter (keeping you cozy) and stop it from invading in the summer (minimizing sweltering temperatures). That’s a huge benefit for many reasons. Not only does it keep your home comfortable but it also keeps your HVAC system from using a greater amount of energy to maintain indoor temperatures. As a result, you save money on your energy costs and reduce your carbon footprint.

Lower Energy Production

The thing about windows is that they’re like any other product: manufacturing is necessary. By that, we mean a window specialist builds them for you, and that can create waste during the building process. However, fiberglass and vinyl windows are typically much easier to produce, and they generate less waste (especially in recycling). This helps to reduce the amount of materials sent to landfills, which enables you to better protect the environment when you choose to have these window options installed in your home or commercial property.

These benefits make fiberglass and vinyl windows an excellent investment, no matter what your budget, especially if you’re trying to reduce your carbon footprint one home improvement at a time! If you’re interested in installing brand-new windows to keep your energy costs down and your home comfortable this season, don’t hesitate to contact us at Jon’s Window & Awning today. We’re available to answer any window-related questions you may have!

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