3 Benefits of Buying Tinted Patio Doors

Milgard custom patio doors

If you’re looking to replace your patio doors or improve the ones you currently have, tinting is an option that you should keep in mind. Tinted patio doors can have a range of benefits that make them perfect for residential homes. To help give you a better idea of why you should consider patio door tinting, here is what you need to know.

1. Privacy

Window tinting, like the options provided by Milgard custom patio doors, can increase the privacy in your home by making it more difficult for outside viewers to see inside. This can be especially helpful if you want to keep the blinds open for light, but don’t want to advertise what’s going on inside to all of your neighbors.

2. Protection From UV

UV rays can be damaging, and they are responsible for causing colors to fade over time. This can even damage items in your home if they are in direct sun. However, window tinting can block nearly 100% of UV rays, which helps to keep your home protected.

3. Blocking Heat

If you want to keep your blinds open during the day for light, heat can quickly become a big problem. Fortunately, window tinting helps to reflect and absorb solar energy so that it can’t heat up your home.

4. Reducing Glare

Glare can be a big problem if you’re trying to watch TV with the blinds open. However, window tinting, like the kind provided by Milgard custom patio doors, can help reduce glare so that you can watch without interference. Glare can be cut down by as much as 94% in some instances, making this a great addition to any home.

5. Style

Another benefit of patio door window tinting is that it is both functional and stylish. Whether you’re investing in brand new tinted doors or applying a tint to your current doors, it’s an option that can provide a sleek appearance both inside and out.

The Perfect Patio Doors

If you are looking to improve your current doors or invest in new ones, consider how tinted patio doors can benefit your home. Remember, too, that patio doors can last up to 30 years with proper service, so this is an investment that should stay in your home for a long time to come. There are numerous options to choose from, and with options like Milgard custom patio doors, you can create the perfect tinted doors for your home.

Are Single or Double Paned Windows Better For Your Home?

new home windows

The type of windows you choose for your home should reflect your style and preferred quality. When deciding which window type is best for you, the question of single vs. double paned windows often comes up. If you’re unsure about the differences between the two, then this short guide breaks it down so you can make a more informed decision.

What Are Single Paned Windows?

As the name suggests, single paned windows are made from only one layer of glass. However, they have different styles and materials. Although some single paned windows have an extra removable glass pane, generally, they don’t offer as much insulation as windows with more panes. They are also not great at blocking out noise.

Advantages of Single Paned Windows

The biggest advantage of single paned windows is their low cost and easy installation. Typically, they’re an excellent option for homeowners that are on a strict budget. Also, because they don’t provide much insulation, they’re more suitable for warm-climate environments.

For instance, in 2017, over 40% of homeowners used their outdoor space for entertaining, so if the weather is warm, single paned windows may not be much of a downside. If you need to add some extra insulation to a single paned window, you can use window film as a short term solution. Otherwise, it’s best to get double paned new home windows from the start.

What Are Double Paned Windows?

Double paned windows also have a pretty explanatory name – they have two glass panes. Most double paned glasses also have argon gas between the planes for maximum insulation. With additional layers of protection between your home and the weather, you’re not at the mercy of seasonal temperatures.

Advantages of Double Paned Windows

While double paned new home windows are a bit more expensive than single paned windows, they help you save money in the long run. As mentioned earlier, their biggest advantage is the extra insulation they offer. They can help you control the heating and cooling aspect of your home, so you can better manage your home’s internal climate. This contributes to a lower energy bill and a smaller carbon footprint.

Single vs. Double Paned Windows: Which Are Better for Your Home?

Overall, double paned new home windows are highly recommended because they make your home more comfortable by reducing cold air, condensation, and loud noises. They’re also a great way to go green without breaking the bank. Single paned windows don’t quite match up to double paned windows, even if the initial cost is low. However, since they’re not as efficient as double paned glasses, any savings might be canceled.

5 Reasons to Consider Replacing Your Windows

new home windows

Replacing the windows in your home may sound like a complex project that will cost you a lot. It need not be, as long as you do it the right way and involve the right professionals at the right stages. Following are five reasons why you would consider getting new home windows in the first place.

Improved Energy Efficiency

If you have an older home, there’s a good chance that your windows are made with single-pane glass. These glass panes may also not have heat-reflecting low-E coatings. Getting new home windows that are modern can help you save on your energy bill, given that up to 30% of a home’s heating energy is lost through its windows.

Better Curb Appeal

Because there are many modern style options available for windows, you can give your home a fresh, new look by simply replacing your windows. It is important to feel comfortable in your home, and improving its look is one way to do this.

Security and Safety

Windows, like doors, are a potential entry point into your home by burglars. They often target old windows that look worn down, because there’s a good chance that such windows have broken latches or are warped and therefore easy to break into the house through. You should make sure that the windows in your house open and shut well because they can also present you with an emergency exit when an emergency occurs.

Get Rid of Defects

As much as the window may look low-maintenance and hard to get defective, there are some cases when you can spot defects like rattling and drafts around the window whenever it gets windy, visible water leakage through it, rots and cracks that can sometimes even let in insects and other pests, and condensation leading to fogged up glass panes.

Fade Protection and Less Noise

If you get dual pane windows or laminated glass, it can help reduce the noise you hear while inside your house. If your new home windows are also made of modern glass that can block out ultraviolet rays from the sun, you will experience less fading of artwork, furniture, finishes, and carpet inside your home.

If you decide to change up your windows, make sure to get advice and an estimate from a qualified contractor. This will help you get the best windows for your needs, budget, and the architecture of your house in a straightforward manner.

Tips for Choosing the Right Window Treatments


The window treatments in your home are an important part of your whole house. They dress the windows up and work together to create a harmony between your house’s design and layout, and the functionality of your windows. Following are tips to help you choose the right window treatments for your house.

Know the Options You Have

This is perhaps the most important part of getting window treatments, because if you don’t know what you can get, it may negatively influence your final decision. The different types of window treatments include: drapes, blinds, curtains, shades, and valances. You can get some help from an interior designer to make sure your needs are fully met.

The Size and Shape of Your Windows

Depending on if your windows are circular, bay, arched, or rectangular, you will need to get a treatment that matches the shape.

The way your window opens will also dictate what options are available to you. They can be double and single hung which slide from the bottom up vertically, sliding windows that slide from side to side, awning windows that are hinged at the top, or casement windows that are hinged at the side.

Know The Purpose for The Treatment

This can be privacy, durability, prevention of fading, and blacking out a room, to name a few needs. Therefore, you can get solar shades if your main need is blocking out the sun’s rays from directly hitting your indoors at the wrong time, for instance. You can also get aesthetically pleasing shades if you just want to give your space a facelift.

Maintain a Consistent Theme

While you don’t want each room in your house to look identical, using wildly different treatments for different rooms in your house will not have a good effect. Being consistent with colors and materials will help your house have a good flow as someone moves from one room to the next. You can play a treatment up or down by adding accessories or removing them as necessary.

Annually, the interior design industry generates $10 billion in revenues, and this amount shows how much in demand the services of interior designers are. If you feel like you can’t pick the right color for your shades, for instance, or don’t know what material to get for your kitchen windows, getting a professional’s help will go a long way in giving you good results.

Fiberglass Vs. Vinyl Windows: Which Is the Right Option for You?

vinyl windows

Windows are an integral part of any home-a household’s ‘eyes’ to the outside world. You may need to factor in a few key decisions when searching for the right set for your house. Top among them is the material for the frame and the sash.

Whether shopping for new construction or replacement windows, your material choice comes down to several different options. Wood and aluminum windows are popular options. Fiberglass and vinyl windows are the two most popular artificial materials. How do these materials compare for use on window frames, and which is the best option overall?

Vinyl windows are made from polyvinyl chloride as the base material. Vinyl is America’s go-to option, with over 20 million units sold annually. Fiberglass frame windows cut out a niche for themselves, selling as the most energy-efficient material. Fiberglass is made from polyester resins impregnated in glass base material and then molded into shape.

Here is a comparison guide to help you pick out the right window material.

1. Design Aesthetic

While both materials may appear similar at a distance, fiberglass offers a wider range of decorative options than vinyl windows. Fiberglass is stronger, requiring less material than vinyl for the same stress levels. The thicker vinyl frames reduce the glass space, meaning less natural light. Fiberglass can also be textured to resemble wood and comes in a wider range of colors and styles.

2. Installation

If you are reasonably confident of your skills with a power drill, you can install vinyl windows for yourself. Vinyl is slightly flexible, making it easier to install than rigid fiberglass. Fiberglass windows may need professional window installers after ordering from the manufacturers. Vinyl frames are available in pre-made standard sizes at most home improvement stores.

3. Strength and Durability

Both fiberglass and vinyl windows tend to outlast wood, as they are resistant to chipping, cracking, rotting, and denting. However, fiberglass frames are up to eight times stronger than vinyl, making them more durable. Good quality vinyl windows have ratings for up to 30 years with proper care, while fiberglass can last up to 50 years.

4. Energy Efficiency

Both materials have a higher R-insulating value than wood. The glass base material-similar to that on window panes- means that the fiberglass frame and the window glass expand and contract at the same rate. This makes fiberglass up to 15% better at insulating than vinyl as the more energy-efficient material.

5. Cost

Vinyl replacement windows are more affordable than both fiberglass and wood materials. Fiberglass is cheaper than wood but slightly more expensive than vinyl. Vinyl windows can be roughly 10-30% cheaper to buy and install. The average cost ranges between $700-$800 for vinyl and $900-$1100 for fiberglass.

6. Maintenance

Both types of windows are typically low maintenance. You do not have to worry about cracking and warping. You can easily scrub the grime away with a hard brush and water. Painted fiberglass windows may require a fresh coat when they fade.

Both fiberglass and vinyl windows are excellent products for your replacement project. Vinyl’s strengths are in the costs, ease of installation, and low maintenance. Fiberglass windows are preferable when looking for aesthetics, strength, and energy efficiency.

How to Maintain Your Sliding Patio Doors


Sliding patio doors give you the ability to open up your space invitingly and elegantly. No matter which style you choose for your home or business, you want to make sure they last for years to come. With the proper care and service, patio doors can last more than 30 years.

Sliding Patio Doors That Work Properly

A sliding patio door should be as easy to open as your favorite beverage. Ease of opening is just as important as your family or guests that walk through these doorways. A sliding patio door works appropriately if:

  • You don’t have to force it to open.
  • The door does not swing slightly off the ground from left to right.
  • You don’t have to lift it, then slide it.
  • You don’t have to jiggle it.

Performing DIY Sliding Patio Door Maintenance

Sliding patio door maintenance can take less than 10 minutes. Routine care should be done in the spring and fall or every time you notice debris building up in the track. Disinfecting the handles and high-touch areas can be done as often as you feel is necessary. Don’t be in a hurry with these steps to avoid accidentally pinched fingers.

  1. Start by vacuuming out the track crevices both on top and on the bottom. Do this when the door is closed. Open the door and repeat on the other side. Remove as much pet hair, paperclips, trash, or other debris as possible.
  2. Wipe down the top and bottom tracks with a damp cloth while the door is both in a closed and open position. Ensure the fabric or sponge is not wet but damp enough to remove residual dust and dirt the vacuum left behind.
  3. Wipe down the glass with your favorite glass cleaner. Wipe the handles with your favorite disinfectant.
  4. When the tracks are dry, spray the tracks with a high-quality silicone lubricant spray. Don’t over-lubricate. Lubricating the slide helps prevent rust and corrosion.
  5. Test the sliding patio door by moving it back and forth to make sure it works with ease.

Tips for Advanced Cleaning

If you’re physically capable of it and it’s safe to do so, consider removing the sliding patio door from its rollers to access the entire track. If you spot any rust or corrosion on the track or rollers, consider using some steel wool to scrub it off. If you see any cracks or cannot remove the rust, consider contacting a qualified sliding patio door repair expert for assistance.

A Basic Guide to Choosing Energy-Efficient Doors

professional window and door installation

Did you know that with proper maintenance your patio door may last 30 years or more? This fact is essential to consider when trying to find energy-efficient doors that make sense for your needs. The best professional window and door installation should make this process easier for you to handle.

Understand Your Material Types

Typically, efficient doors come in a handful of different material types. Each of these options has additional benefits to consider before buying one. We’ve included three of the most popular alternatives to give you an idea of what to expect when picking your doors:

  • Fiberglass — These replacement doors are very light and durable and don’t dent or rust. They provide you with an energy-efficient door that looks great and offers strong protection.
  • Steel — Steel doors are perfect for energy-efficient operation because they come with magnetic weatherstripping and include plenty of insulation to make your door more appealing.
  • Wood — Though wood is much harder to make energy-efficient than other types of materials, you may find some wooden doors provide more robust protection than others.

We strongly suggest that you get fiberglass or steel when working with a professional window and door installation on this process. Doing so will ensure that your doors are as strong as possible and prevent long-term complications that may impact the success of your installation process.

Understand Pane Efficiency

Do you plan on installing glass panes in your new door? Then it would help if you made sure to understand what types of glass are better for this process. Yes, single-pane glass will be less expensive than other types. But your efficiency will decrease heavily when working with professional window and door installation.

Try to seek out options with double- or triple-glazing to get the best results. These windows use multiple panels to provide a maximum level of protection. Also, try to find thermal breaks, low-E coatings, and gas in-fills with minimal conductivity. Doing so dramatically increases your energy efficiency.

Speak to an Expert Right Away

If you still feel confused about this process, reach out to a professional window and door installation company to learn more about your options here. Doing so will ensure that you make the most critical decision and satisfy both you and your family with high-quality doors that make sense for your needs. It will also help save you money on buying doors that don’t work for you.

Is It Time to Replace Your Home Windows?

home windows

Your home windows are critical for your house’s operation and comfort. For example, did you know that at least 30% of your heating and cooling is lost through windows? And if they are damaged, you need to know when it is time to replace them to avoid complications.

Conversation Is Getting Harder

Have you been having a hard time hearing your friends and loved ones when talking in the house? Unfortunately, this is an issue that is far from uncommon. If others in your house are experiencing the same problem, it doesn’t mean you’re all going deaf. Instead, your home windows may be to blame.

Windows should serve as a solid and resilient barrier against outside noise and keep you as protected as possible from outside noise. But the frame of the window might end up wearing down, or the pane may get damaged subtly, allowing more outside noise to interfere with your conversation.

Pest Problems Near Your Windows

Did you know that your home windows are among the most popular places for pests to invade your home? That’s because there are often cracks and breaks throughout the surface of your frame that can let in ants, termites, cockroaches, and even tiny and clever mice if the gaps are big enough.

If you spot these pests near your windows (or even see damage that they’ve done to the frames to make it easier to get into your home), you need to replace your windows right away. Doing so will ensure that you get the best results and minimize your risk of more pests invading your house.

Efficiency Problems With Heating and Cooling

Lastly, it is probably time to replace your home windows if you notice any difficulties keeping your home cool or warm during the appropriate season. Place your hand around the window on a windy day and try to detect a draft. If you do, your windows need replacement.

You should also get new windows if you notice condensation between the glass layers, if you notice your heating and cooling bill going up, or if you feel cold or hot near specific windows. These steps should make it easier to know when to replace your windows as efficiently as possible.

If you’re ready to get rid of your home windows, make sure that you reach out to a professional who can pair you with an efficiency option. Doing so will help to make it simpler for you to pick the best windows.

How to Pick the Right Milgard Windows for Your Home

milgard windows

Windows are an essential exterior feature in any property. Covering up to 15% of your total wall space, they contribute immensely to the overall beauty and value of a home. Choosing the right material, finishing, accents, and style for window replacement is key to setting your house apart within your neighborhood.

Old and worn-out windows let in cold drafts, overworking your air conditioning system. They are also easy targets for burglars. New Milgard windows can help increase home security, improve aesthetics and reduce your energy bills. But how do you find the right replacement windows for your property? Here are three crucial factors that you need to keep in mind when picking Milgard windows.

1. Frame Material

Your material of choice plays a vital role in defining the overall beauty and functionality. The most popular materials for Milgard windows include wood, vinyl, aluminum, and fiberglass. Wood offers timeless elegance and is an excellent natural insulator. However, wood frames require more maintenance and care including regular, staining and painting.

Vinyl windows are virtually maintenance-free, characterized by high impact and weather resistance. Lightweight yet strong aluminum windows and doors can be configured to any design. Fiberglass window frames have excellent insulation properties, expanding and contracting at the same rate as the glass it holds.

2. Window Design and Style

It’s no secret that the Milgard windows you pick will set the tone and mood for your exterior. It’s essential to take time to pick home windows whose design will compliment your overall theme. There are various operating styles that you can pick from, including casement, awning, sliders, and many more.

Horizontal slider and single-hung windows can slide to open, letting in fresh air without taking too much space. Stationary awnings and casing models have a swinging hinge that provides better airflow, offering maximum ventilation for your room. Picture windows are perfect for letting in plenty of natural light into your home.

The glass pattern that you pick may have a significant effect on your house’s insulation and aesthetics. You may need to find a tight balance between functionality and energy efficiency. Two or three-paned glass panels may have a better energy rating, while glazing may increase your home’s privacy.

3. Milgard Windows Accessories and Features

Burbank window suppliers will stock a variety of fixtures and fittings that you can use to accentuate your windows. Window handles are a subtle yet critical part of the window. The right latch and fasteners should work easily without too much effort. The hardware finish will also impact your aesthetics. It’s important to find accessories that match your home’s overall theme. Ensure that your lock mechanism meets your area’s force entry codes to help fortify your home against burglars. Custom Milgard windows are a perfect fit for your home, allowing you to pick the features and fittings to accentuate your chosen design.

Milgard windows are an excellent choice for your replacement project. The tips above can help you find the right series for your home. It does not hurt to seek an opinion from professional window installers and sale experts. However, it is also important to ensure you get windows that you will enjoy seeing every day. Jon’s Window and Awning is a trusted replacement window vendor in Burbank that can help you find the right windows to suit your style.

Which Type of Patio Door Is Right for Your Home?


Patio doors typically last about 30 years and can last even longer with service. That’s an impressive lifespan, but how do you know which door is the right one to commit to for the long haul? Patio doors are more than just a way to get to your yard — they’re part of a home’s aesthetic and security. There are three main types of patio doors to consider, and the one you choose should really be based on a balance of security and aesthetics.

Hinged Doors

Hinged doors, also called French doors, are the quintessential patio door. They are a classic, sturdy, and secure choice for most homes. They are typically sold in a set of either two or three panels, only one of which opens on a hinge like a regular door. The remaining panels are essentially large windows. However, you can also find French doors in which both sides open — a double door — and those book ended by large glass panels.

French doors are also a popular choice due to security, as the standard door mechanism allows them to have both a deadbolt and a knob lock. These doors come in a variety of colors and the border of them is typically vinyl, wood, or aluminum.

Sliding Doors

Sliding patio doors are a great way to save space on a smaller patio. They also lend a home a slightly more modern aesthetic. That said, they can be finicky and, if knocked off-kilter, will not slide easily.

Unfortunately these sorts of doors are a little more difficult to make truly secure because the locking mechanism is very simple. It’s often more effective to place a removable bolt through the base of the door or to place a bar on the inside, so the door can’t be opened.

Bifold Doors

Bifold doors hinge and fold like an accordion. These are also a good option for tight spaces as they don’t require much room to open. Many bifold doors also come with a standard hinged door for a quick entry or exit.

Bifold doors have a dual locking feature, making them more secure than standard sliding doors while still providing a panoramic view of the outdoors. Most are made from vinyl, fiberglass, or aluminum.

So, which patio door is right for you? To learn more about your options, contact us today!