Will New Windows Save Me Money?

replacement windows

Picture this: your energy bill has come in the mail and it has left your mouth hanging open. You cannot believe how much money you are spending just to heat and cool your home. This isn’t such a far-fetched scenario, as many homeowners struggle with the same situation.


So how can you save money on your energy bills? One of these tricks is simple — and it may surprise you.


The answer is new replacement windows that are energy-efficient. Almost 30% of a home’s heating energy is lost through the windows. Correcting this issue can help you save money on your energy bills.


Not All Windows are Created Equal

Nobody likes to be lied to, especially when it comes home installations. However, the truth is that not all windows are the same, so not all windows are going to provide you with the same benefits. Your windows can negatively impact other areas of your home if they’re not rated as energy-efficient.


Generally speaking, homebuilders want to maximize their profit. This means they may install cheap windows because they want to buy low and sell high. This may be a concern even if your home is a new build. But keep in mind that older homes can also have problems if their windows are original. This is because older homes generally do not have sun control systems or energy efficient window options because there were none available at that time.


So how do you know if your windows are working properly? It is important to ask yourself a few basic questions to get started. Are your windows difficult to open or close? Do they often get foggy? Have you noticed any drafts coming from the windows? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time to consider replacement windows as you could be losing money due to these issues.


New Windows Are Cost-Effective

While no company can make claims as to exactly how much you can save if you invest in new windows, the proof is in the pudding. Contacting professional installers can help you to determine which window options are best for you and your needs. This may include custom windows. Regardless, your professional window and door installation will leave you will better looking and better operating windows for your home.


Homeowners can choose many things to do to increase the energy efficiency of their home, as well as save a lot of money. What you choose to do with your home is completely up to you. However, one of the simplest and most beneficial changes you can make is getting replacement windows. Invest in windows that were designed with energy efficiency in mind and you will not be disappointed.

4 Ways Retractable Patio Awnings Can Benefit Your Home

retractable patio awning

By 2019, the deck and patio construction industry had reached a revenue of $783 million dollars, a 3% increase over the past five years. This number is only projected to grow larger, as people begin to look for ways to make their living spaces more comfortable and enjoyable. Especially since more people are opting to stay at home than ever before.


This uptick in home improvement, spurred on by social distancing and stay at home mandates, can actually work in your favor by giving you an excuse to finally get started on all those projects you might have been putting on the back burner. For instance, while heading to a park for some relaxation and fresh air might be off the table, fixing up your patio to be just as enjoyable can be your next goal. For this purpose, retractable patio awnings can come in handy, as they allow you to control the sun and shade received on your deck. While some days you might enjoy sitting out in the sun, on exceptionally hot or rainy days, you’ll be thankful for the cover.


If your current patio doesn’t feature a retractable patio awning, or is lacking in any covering at all, here are four benefits of installing one that you should consider.


1. Lowering Energy Costs


Staying at home can drive up energy costs, especially if the sun shines directly through your patio doors. While thick curtains can help mitigate this, they also block your view and make your home dark, forcing you to turn on additional lights to see. This can backfire and end up lowering the cost of energy saved with curtains. However, with retractable patio awnings or even stationary awnings, you can help reduce the heat index around your home and prevent the sun from being able to heat up the inside of your home as easily. This can help save you money when it comes to cooling your home, but by eliminating thick curtains or blinds, you can also save on lighting costs during the day.


2. Increasing Property Value


Adding a retractable patio awning can also help boost the value of your home. While you might not be thinking of selling in the near future, this is an investment that can help increase value and appeal should you ever decide to move in the future. This could mean that if you do end up selling you could receive higher bids, as well as a faster and easier sale. With attractive features like this, more homebuyers will be interested in getting their hands on the property.


3. Providing Wintertime Versatility


Just as how a retractable patio awning can help keep the sun out during the summer, it can also be pulled in to let the sun in during the winter. And, if the weather decides to act up and you have a freak heatwave during the winter, you can quickly reopen the awning to bring the shade back. This type of versatility is great for helping to combat energy costs no matter what the seasons bring.

4. Saving Patio Furniture


Patio furniture can be an expensive investment, but without the right protection, they can easily become bleached in the sun, ruined by rain, or damaged by snow. Awnings can help prevent this but allowing you to more readily protect your outdoor furniture, without the need to bring it inside every time the weather takes a turn. Similarly, this can allow you to leave your furniture out longer every year, as you’ll be able to prevent snow and sleet from reaching it.


Sun control systems, like awnings, are quickly becoming more popular due to their ability to make patios more comfortable, as well as the interior of your home. If you’re looking for a way to get more out of your outdoor living spaces, consider investing in a retractable awning and taking control of the comfort in your backyard.

How a Sliding Patio Door Can Complement Your Outdoor Space

old-style patio doors

Throughout the country and especially during the spring and summer, our patios are like outdoor living rooms. They provide a cozy space for various family gatherings and entertaining friends. Therefore, it is important to have an attractive patio door to complement the space.

Sliding patio doors are some of the most popular, as they do not take up much space and come in many different designs. Among the most popular types are old-style patio doors, which are quality made and look great. These old-style patio doors add class and elegance to any outdoor space and provide quality and durability.

4 Ways a Sliding Patio Door Enhances an Outdoor Space

A quality patio door can last up to 30 years with proper maintenance and care. Therefore, when searching for a patio door manufacturer, it is important to ensure you are purchasing a quality brand, such as Milgard patio doors, as they have a reputation for quality. Furthermore, it is important that you hire professional installers in order to ensure the longevity and durability of your new patio door.

Aesthetically Pleasing

Many patio doors, especially old-style patio doors, allow you to further enhance your outdoor experience. Furthermore, the patio door that you choose can significantly improve the overall look of your home and make it more appealing. This is especially important if you ever wanted to sell your home, as quality windows and doors are one of the most important aspects sought out by homebuyers.

Increase Your Home’s Value

A home is the most expensive purchase most people make throughout their life; therefore, it is important for a home to maintain its value. Improving features such as windows and doors can significantly increase the overall value of your home and give you the peace of mind that your home is energy efficient.

Durable Glass

It is important that the glass in your new patio door is durable and can withstand the elements. High quality glass has the ability to block some harmful UV rays and allows you to keep the inside of your home cooler. This further decreases your energy bill and promotes efficiency.

Durable glass is also important to the safety and security of your home, as it will be more resistant to a potential intruder. Furthermore, high quality glass can contribute to the longevity of many different hardware parts of the door, including the seals and other important components.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is important to all homeowners, especially when it comes to lowering your monthly energy bill. It is important to consider efficiency when deciding on purchasing a new patio door, as it could significantly decrease your monthly bill and reduce your carbon footprint. Energy efficient patio doors usually include durable, double paned glass with high quality seals and other hardware.

Choosing a patio door should include thorough research in order to select the best one for you. The right patio door will provide sufficient insulation, protection from the sun, and aesthetics to your outdoor space. Furthermore, it is recommended that you hire a professional installer, as this will increase the longevity, durability, and energy efficiency of your door.

Why Are Vinyl Replacement Windows Such a Big Deal?

It is no accident that vinyl windows are on the top of the list when it comes to home improvement. High-quality vinyl replacement windows bring a lot of value to any home.

You can take advantage of the value that vinyl windows add to your home by connecting with a window and door installation team that understands their job is to deliver value. Learn more about the real value of vinyl windows and how they can help to improve your home.

The Energy Savings is Real

It is estimated that about 30% of your heating and cooling is lost through faulty windows and doors. Replacing them now can mean a tremendous amount of energy savings. New windows can keep the elements out and keep the cooling and heating costs down.

Of course, while energy savings is a tremendous benefit it is not all you get when you decide on new vinyl windows Burbank homeowners have found. There are other plusses when it comes to making the choice of putting your improvement money into new windows.


You hear a lot about curb appeal these days. Curb appeal is a term used to describe how your home looks from “the curb” or as people pass by. A home that has new windows has tremendous curb appeal. New windows instantly upgrade the look of any home.

Of course, the aesthetics are not only for the people passing by, but they are also for you as well. There is nothing quite like loving where you live and feeling proud of your home looks both inside and outside. Having guests over and enjoying some time in the backyard like 40% of homeowners did in 2017, is so much better when you can look at your home and feel good about its appearance.

Things Get Quieter

Less than quiet neighbors become a problem of the past with new windows. New vinyl replacement windows are built to have noise-canceling properties that keep the noise outdoors where it belongs. Suddenly your home becomes more peaceful with new windows. You get to enjoy a quieter space where outdoor noise no longer infiltrates your home, your energy bill goes down, and the home looks great. Can you ask for anything more? Well, there is one more thing.

You can put your drop cloths away. Vinyl windows never have to be painted. Just spray them down with the water hose occasionally, and your windows will stay looking new for years to come. Your home deserves an upgrade. Consider vinyl windows as the perfect way to upgrade your home and your lifestyle.

When Should You Replace The Doors In Your Home?

Efficiency and comfort are two of the most important aspects of your home, therefore, it is important that your doors are properly insulated. Hiring professional door installers is crucial to the longevity and performance of your new doors, as they are experienced and know how to properly insulate them. There are many benefits of installing replacement doors, as they will improve efficiency and keep your monthly energy bills low.

Why You Should Replace Your Doors

Some of the most prominent reasons to replace your doors is to improve efficiency and lower energy costs. As new doors with improved insulation put less strain on your HVAC systems, keeping cold and hot air inside your home at all times.

Oftentimes, because older homes have old, poorly insulated doors that increase the home’s energy costs, it is advantageous to invest in new, modern doors. New steel or fiberglass doors have improved insulation, and are more effective in keeping a home’s energy costs down, which is much more efficient and cost effective for the homeowner.

Improving Your Home’s Curb Appeal

A home is the most expensive purchase someone will make throughout their lifetime, therefore, it is important to sustain your home’s market value, as it is an expensive investment. Subtle improvements in your home, such as the front door can increase the value of your home. Replacing your front door is one of the most financially viable improvements you can make to your home, especially if you are tight on cash.

Replacing your front door can add a more stately appearance to your entryway, including the addition of eye catching color. The addition of a double door will further increase the value of your home, as it adds a stately appearance to any entryway. Furthermore, the front door is one of the most notable aspects of your home for potential buyers, which can significantly increase their interest in your home.

Improving Your Backyard Space

Backyards are some of the most utilized places around your home, therefore, it is important to have an appealing, modern backyard. One of the most prominent additions one can make to their home is replacing their back patio door. Similar to your front door, replacing your patio door can add significant value to your home. The popularity of backyards have grown throughout recent years, as the industry has grown significantly at 3% over the recent five year period, and amassed nearly $783 million in the fiscal year 2019.

Some of the most popular patio door manufacturers are Milgard patio doors, in fact, they even manufacture modern doors made to resemble old-style patio doors in order to tailor their product to their customers.

The importance of Hiring Professional Door Installers

In order to get the most performance and energy efficiency out of your new doors, it is recommended that you hire professional door installers. These professionals know how to insulate your new doors so they perform as they should, keeping your energy costs low, and your home at the desired temperature.

Furthermore, installing doors requires high quality, professional equipment that is both expensive and should only be operated by professional door installers. Additionally, they harness the knowledge to ensure that the door is installed correctly, and will perform at the highest standard possible for the customer.

Replacing a door can be a time consuming and tedious process, therefore, it should be left to the professionals. Professional installation is crucial to your new door’s performance and allows you to have an energy efficient, cost effective home.

Improving Energy Efficiency By Replacing Doors And Windows

milgard custom patio doors

Doors and windows are some of the most vital aspects of improving insulation and promoting the efficiency of heating and cooling systems. Furthermore, the addition of new windows and doors increases the property value of your home, increasing the viability of your investment. For aesthetic purposes, some property owners will choose to customize their doors and windows, and have various options to choose from. Some of the most popular manufacturers are Milgard custom patio doors which invite elegance and class into your home with your own personal taste.

Improving Efficiency While Decreasing Expenses

Studies show that nearly 30% of a home’s heat exits via the windows, therefore, increasing your energy bill at the end of the month. Replacing your old windows with new energy efficient windows can result in additional cost savings, and can save homeowners significant amounts each month. In addition to energy efficient windows, custom windows are also a viable option to further redefine your space.

For the best insulation, it is best to shop for windows that are energy star rated, as they are deemed the most efficient. With energy star rated windows and doors, property owners save up to $465 annually. Double paned windows are expensive, however, they are well worth the investment, as replacing the windows in your home with ones that are energy efficient, increases home values over $10,000.

Benefits Of Installing Energy Efficient Doors

In addition to windows, doors can release much of a home’s hot or cold air, decreasing efficiency. Similar to windows, installing energy efficient doors can exponentially increase property value. Some of the most popular types of doors are sliding patio doors, one of the most reputable companies offering energy efficient patio doors are Milgard custom patio doors.

Milgard custom patio doors boast both efficiency and good looks as one of the pioneers in the industry. They offer various types of doors, including old style patio doors, which will elevate your patio space to the next level. Milgard is one of the industry leaders in energy efficiency, as they meet the stringent specifications for green building energy standards, and are extremely durable with their fiberglass, aluminum, or vinyl frames.

Retractable Awnings

To further improve the efficiency of your home, a retractable window awning may be a good option, as they protect the heat from entering your home during the summer, therefore increasing the efficiency of your HVAC system, and lowering your electric bill. Retractable awnings are very popular with many homeowners, as beside energy efficiency, they serve many other purposes. However, due to their complexity, it is important to hire a professional installer.

When installing windows, doors, or awnings, it is important to hire professional installers, as there are various aspects that must be accounted for in order to correctly install them, and provide the greatest efficiency possible. Installing windows and doors involves various insulation measures such as caulk and sealant, which must be installed correctly to maximize efficiency. Improving energy efficiency is important to any home, and replacing doors and windows will prove vital in achieving your ideal level of comfort and efficiency.

7 Benefits of Choosing Custom Made Windows for Your Home

Windows and doors are essential fixtures in any home. The window plays a vital role in the security and energy efficiency of your home. Besides, the panes may speak more about your style and personality.

Nothing shouts louder about the style of your home than custom made windows. The windows offer better aesthetics, energy efficiency, and value far more than standard options from the hardware store. Here are seven benefits of choosing custom window installations for your home:

1. Superior Aesthetics

Custom made windows offer unparalleled aesthetic appeal when compared to standard models. The windows can easily match the theme of your interior and exterior walls, thus offering better looks. Custom fittings allow you to choose the exact style and color you prefer for your home. Improve your curb appeal by replacing your worn-out windows with a custom model of your choice.

2. Optimum Energy Efficiency

Custom home windows fit exactly on the spaces within your walls. The installation doesn’t leave any openings between the window frame and the walls. Air loss and drafts from such spaces cause a strain on your HVAC system, thus increasing the energy bills. With custom-made windows, you can choose double or triple-paned models that offer better insulation for your home.

3. Easier Installations

Fitting standard windows from the hardware shelves may become quite complicated. The window size may not match that present at your home. You may be forced to chisel out your wall or add some molding so that it may fit. Custom made windows demand less prep-work and require fewer additional materials to complete window installation.

4. Versatile Designs

Custom windows offer flexibility in styling, allowing your house to stand out from the rest. There are many styles, colors, and engineering designs that you can choose from. Whether you need a double-hung window, a sliding model, or perhaps an awning design, you can select the best custom window that suits your needs and preferences.

5. Better Security

Customized windows have added accessories such as grids and locks that may enhance the security of your home. There are 1.3 million burglary attempts reported in the U.S. annually, with frail windows being an easy target for the burglars. Custom made windows allow you to choose locks that make you confident about the security of your family and property.

6. Better Quality Material

Customizing your window options gives you control over the type of materials you choose for your home. The three most commonly used materials for window construction are wood, vinyl, and aluminum. Wood oozes of elegance and sophistication through the different patterns and shapes. However, it is prone to swelling and rotting if not properly maintained. Aluminum windows are more durable and affordable than wood products. Vinyl custom made windows offer the best energy efficiency through foam insulation as well as better resistance to corrosion and rot.

7. Improve Your Home value

Custom window installations attach a higher home valuation as compared to standard models. Excellent craftsmanship from professional installers ensures that your windows are more durable and have better quality. According to Cost vs. Value report by Remodeling magazine, replacement windows offer an 85% return on investment during a house resale.


Getting new custom made windows for your home is a worthwhile investment, with better returns for your money. You can enjoy better looks, reduced energy costs, improved security, and durable installations. For more information on custom windows, visit our website today.

Simple Upgrades for Your Outdoor Space

synthetic shutters

Any homeowner knows that updating the exterior of your home is not a walk in the park. It can feel overwhelming and often be time consuming trying to think of what will help boost the outdoor appeal. However, there are simple ways that you can update the exterior of your home.

New Patio Doors

One of the most overlooked aspects of any home is the doors. A new patio door can make all the difference in your outdoor space, as it could be more efficient and more visually appealing than your previous door. Professional windows and doors installers can provide you with multiple different solutions that will work for your home. This will allow you to choose from varying options that will complement the exterior of your home, whether you are interested in sliding patio doors or specialty patio doors. Professionally installed patio doors can last up to 30 years.

New Windows

The windows of a home are often one of the most outdated aspects. However, over time, windows can break down and become outdated. This could lead to issues within your home, spanning further than cosmetic appeal. Whether you need vinyl replacement windows or custom windows, a professional installer can help you navigate the process. New windows can help you eliminate potential costly issues down the road and can boost the appeal of the exterior of your home.

New Shutters

Shutters add a certain element to a home that makes it look both updated and cozy. Synthetic shutters have yet to go out of style and are perfect for any type of home to help add cosmetic appeal to the exterior. A professional installer can walk you through the different options for your home, which may include synthetic shutters or traditional shutters. Synthetic shutters may last longer than other types of shutters. These shutters help to draw the eye to your windows.

New windows and doors can add an updated visual appeal to your home’s exterior. Whether you want a new patio door or new shutters, a professional will have options for you. Speaking with a professional installer can help you to get an idea of your options and find a solution that works for you and your needs.

If You Have Your Windows Replaced, Why Not Have Replacement Doors?

replacement doors

Burbank replacement windows are a great way to reduce energy costs, improve aesthetics, and get other great benefits, but what about your doors? The fact is if you go with just replacement windows but you still have old-style patio doors, you are only getting half the energy efficiency benefits.


High-quality replacement doors are a great option for improving energy efficiency, safety, and adding a great updated aesthetic to your property. New patio doors are built to be energy-efficient, highly functional and to look great.


How Much Energy Is Going Right Out Your Doors?


It is estimated about 30% of your energy flies out your old windows and doors, replacement doors and replacement windows can stop the energy loss in your home. A lot of homeowners make the mistake of getting the replacement windows and ignoring the need for replacement doors.


Access to your patio probably gets a lot of use, old patio doors, were not built with energy efficiency in mind. Between the wear and tear and the substantial design, your patio doors can be a huge culprit when it comes to energy waste.


Get the Best Value by Replacing Both Your Windows and Doors


Professional installers from a trusted window and door company can deliver a great deal of value when you choose to replace both your windows and doors. A new patio door with new replacement windows can make your home an energy-saving powerhouse.


You can expect to lower your energy bills by up to 15% and have a beautiful updated aesthetic. Of course, there is also a safety factor. Burglars love faulty patio doors. They make for easy entry into your home.


Of course, with this type of home improvement, you get the return on your investment that is hard to get with other home improvement options. You also get a better quality of life. When you opt for replacement doors along with your replacement windows, you get a quieter home where it is easier to control the indoor climate.


Learn more about the value of having both your windows and doors replaced by the trusted Burbank window and door experts. Investing in replacement doors is one of the best choices you can make for your home improvement dollars. Learn more today.

Sun Control Systems Help Protect Your Investment

sun control systems

There is nothing better than a bright sunny day to help you feel good about life, but your furniture may not feel the same way. Sun control systems can help you to enjoy those bright sunny days while helping you to protect your home.


Awnings Burbank homeowners and business owners have found are a great way to keep that damaging sun from slipping through windows and fading furniture, carpets, and more. Of course, with the right sun control systems, you can also enjoy your patio more. It is a win-win situation.


Here Comes The Sun


The sun is nourishing and life-giving but as we all know it is also damaging. The rays of the sun can fade your furnishings, window treatments, and other items in the home. It can also put your cooling system into overdrive.


The right sun control systems put you in control of how much sun can get in. For example, if you could have some shade on your patio when you wanted it you could spend more time outdoors. A retractable patio awning can put the control right in your hands. You can open it when you need some shade and close it back down when you want to catch some rays.


Shades, specialty shutters, fixed awnings are all great options for ensuring that you are in control of how much of those UV rays are coming into your home. It is a simple energy-efficient solution that can protect.


Comfort is Key


When you have the power to control the comfort of your environment, it makes your environment a much happier place to be. With the right system, you can create a world of comfort right in your own home without having to crank up the AC.


If you are worried about energy consumption to stay comfortable that takes away the joy of being home. Sun control systems from a trusted provider are an easy solution.


Perfect Aesthetic That is Highly Functional


The beauty of having expert installation of sun control systems is that you do not have to sacrifice a beautiful aesthetic for function. You can have a highly functional control system in place that looks simply stunning.


It is important that you protect your home from the ravishing rays of the sun, and of course, it is also important that you love the way your home looks. With the right sun control system options, you will be able to have the best of both worlds.